Many Lives

This feels so true. I wrote a book. I'm halfway through the sequel. I started a new one last night because an idea came to me and I couldn't resist. I usually spend my weekends at my mom's house, fixing puzzles and playing cards or reading. No matter what I'm doing through the day, my mind keeps shifting to my books and what I am going to write next, what is going to happen to my characters in the next scene, which way the story might shift, what could happen if this or that occurs....I can't stop thinking about my stories, constantly adding notes, researching online for information, using google image for clothing ideas and cars I want to include in my book.  I contemplate the main character and try to figure out how he or she will handle each new situation.  I think of possible twists and turns to the plot I could add to keep the story moving smoothly.  I wonder what they will say next, who they will say it to, and the possible outcomes of these conversations.  Throughout any given day, I'm living so many lives I wonder how I keep them all straight.


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