This isn't normally the kind of book I read. Well, the monsters in it are my kind of thing, but an adult romance book...? No. I grew out of those years ago when I started my job in a bookstore. However, a friend of mine suggested this one, and I could not just brush it off. So, I finally paid that overdue book fine at the library and checked this out. I don't regret it at all.
My first thought reading the prologue was, "What is she talking about?" I hate it when a book jumps right in and starts confusing you right away, but then chapter one came and it was so easy to read, I instantly loved it. This book flows smoothly, makes you laugh, and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Not to mention it is set in Dublin, which is written beautifully, you really get a feel for Ireland. I found myself even inspired, quoting it. You wouldn't think you'd find something quotable in a book like this, but she surprises you. The way she describes the difference of book reading to television watching was perfect. I couldn't have said it better. Definately a five-star book. In all fairness, though, I tend to rate books high. :) Unless they just really suck, then they at least get a three. If it is a book that rates lower than a three, I don't finish reading it and I never mention it again...Unless someone asks, "Oh, have you read so and so...?"
"Put it back! Put it back!" I'll scream to them, leaving no doubt about my abhorrence for said book.
Okay, that is extreme, and never have I screamed so hysterically because someone picked up a book I dislike, but it could happen. So, mostly I'll post good books. Books I rate three or up. Five being loved it, it's amazing!! Four: I really liked it. Three: It was good. Just for clarification, two would be: It was okay. One: Don't bother.
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