
No, it doesn't wirte itself. I spent most of the morning playing around on Facebook, but even so I somehow managed to finish my second book!!

Yes, you read that correctly.  My second book is finished.  Well, the rough draft anyway.  What an amazing feeling to know that the second book in my trilogy is all there, every wonderful word I struggled to craft into coherence.  91,438 words.  I was beginning to get nervous thinking it might reach 100,000 words, but I managed to wrap it up nicely in much less.

Now I shall set it aside for a time and get started on the thrird book.  Give it a week or two and then commence with the rewrite.  I need a break from this story, then I can go back and read my awesome-ness!  I already have way too many notes all jumbled together.  Notes about certain little things that should have been in the second book that were overlooked.  My rewrite will be strenuous and difficult, but these tiny little details that need to be inserted here and there really give a novel that umph it needs.  That little shove toward Epic-ness. I like words that end in "ness."  They are way cooler.  Like Epic with a kick.

I'm taking the rest of the day off.  Not much time before munchkin number one comes home.  Then munchkin number two. I'm hoping for a relaxing evening of reading.  And an episode of Revolution, one of Supernatural.  Tomorrow, though M takes the girls to school on Thursdays, I have to be up early.  Babysitting a little earlier for R.


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