The Host

I've read this book at least three times.  Of course, I'm reading it again before the movie.  I was reading my way through the Twilight saga not long before I heard they were making them into movies.  I read the first and second, then saw that she had written this one and bought it instantly.  This, I think, is way better than the Twilight series.  This was published in 2008, I think.  I have recently been hearing that she is turning it into a trilogy?  I hope this is right.  When I first read this I wanted more.  Wasn't ready for it to be over, she leaves off where so much more could happen.  Also, yes there is a love story here, but when I first read it, it didn't seem to me to be the central focus of the story, which I loved about it.  Twilight is a romance.  This?  This is alien invasion!  Reading it a second and third time, you realize it is a lot about love, but not the mushy romancy kind.  It is so well written, and so BIG.  What I mean by that is the story is way too big to be defined as a romance.  That doesn't hardly scratch the surface.  Eight stars.  I know five is the top rate for books, but this one needs an eight.  It's an Epic.
I love this part from the book.


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