The Night Circus
Checked this book out on my library app. I've had it on my goodreads reading list for a while.
Magic. There is a strange circus that opens at midnight and closes at dawn. A man gets sent a five year old girl with a note saying she is his. His reaction is, "Well, fuck." She has magic like him. He is cruel.He contacts another man and they start some sort of game, using his daughter and a boy the other man gets at an orphanage. They spend years training them seperately for some game or battle, never telling the kids what is going on. The evil magician breaks his daughter's wrist on purpose and she has to magically mend it. Weird, sad, mysterious. I have no idea what is going on, and the writing is magnificent! Descriptive. Like you are dreaming rather than reading! It is haunting and beautiful at the same time.
I'm not even half through it, but already it has five stars from me. More than that! I have never read something so wonderful. Like Tim Burton had a hand in the construction of this novel, it has that quality that he uses in his films. That otherworld feel. It is captivating, spooky, enigmatic. If it isn't already being adapted to film, it shortly will be. I can see this one play out perfectly in my mind. Books like this make me wish I was in the movie business so that I can transform the way I see it perfectly to screen. It is so magical in my head. There is a character in this book that was described so perfectly, I almost ran for my art supplies so I could draw her!! The image of this woman in her beautiful dress is stuck in my head, I probably will end up drawing her eventually. If I do, I'll post pictures. Have to work on my book cover, though. I know what I want my book to look like, I just have to sit down and draw it out.
And, randomly on a compltely different note, today my baby sister turns 24!!! Happy Birthday, Diana!!
OH! Just thought of something! I picture this book as similar to the Lemony Snicket movie A Series of Unfortunate Events. That's how I see it play out in my head. The clothes are similar to what I see, the sets and props all the same colors, styles, and dark, cloudy feel. That's how I see it.
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