I Should Direct The Movie

Guess what I finished reading last night?! The Night Circus! Yep, as I suspected, this book gets five stars! (There really isn't much time in life to read anything with less stars.) I believe it is being made into a movie, as most books end up that way, but I hope they do this one right! Screw it up, I'm going to have some words to say! Yell. Screech and growl. This book is too Epic to ruin the movie. I can picture the entire book in my head perfectly, more than any other book. This one was so...present in my mind...I have an idea! Just let me direct the movie! I know I can do this book justice on the big screen! Yep, I need to become a director! That's all there is to it. Nobody else can interpret this book the way it should be interpreted. Only me. (Once again, the lack of emoticons to use here is highly distrubing. Where's a good grin when I need one?)
Another wonderful portrayal of Celia Bowen. This artist set her in her room, and this is how I would picture it. Dark, books all over, birdcages, candles, the clock...Perfect.
I think I need this tattoo. Yeah? I think so. Or...

This one! Both from the book. Love it! Let's get a little wild here. Maybe both tattoos! The words beneath the tent! I'm a genius!
Ha! Look at this! Not related to books at all, but I laughed so hard I cried. Had to share it because, like, this is my blog. And I do what I want here. Now this is stuck in my head. At least the words are rated Everyone, unlike the actual song. (I admit it. I love the song.)
Okay, enough playing around for one morning. My coffee mug needs caffine, stat! I have books to read, books to right, dogs to annoy by hiding the toys! Mua ha ha.
Yeah, I probably didn't get much sleep last night. Please forvive my delirium.


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