Late Night Writes

This morning I could use about five gallons of coffee. I stayed up until six in the morning writing. Every time I try reading this specific book, I am desperate to write this story I thought of a few nights ago. So, though I promised myself I wouldn't touch it until my other books have been completed, I was up working on it all night. It needs some adjusting, not quite getting it right, but I have some more story written, a few details figured out. I can't wait to work on it again, though I am spending the week working on my Cottage series. I need those finished completely before I feel right working on anything else more seriously.
But this book I began...Well, I'm trying to make it dark and eerie, but I'm having trouble with giving it that feel with a few well placed adjectives. This one, I can tell, is going to be difficult for me. It is somewhat more sinister, lots of creepy undertones I want to give it. This will be no children's book, let me tell you. I'll have to study it for a while, try a few things. I'm very excited for this one!

And this picture is just because I needed a whole lot of sexy with my morning cup of coffee.


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