Stealing the Show
Well, today I think I got this covered pretty well. My mother probably would drop dead with shame...
I worked all morning on the rewrite of my series, so I rewarded myself with an hour and a half to work with my newest story before I had to get my niece from school. I'm going along, writing some pretty epic stuff, enjoying the wind breezing in the open back door and out the open front. Lawn mowers are going off in the distance, kids playing across the street, my dogs are asleep in the grass where I can watch them from my chair next to the door. Nice day rich with work...
Wham! My character flips a switch in my story and takes over. His first appearance in the book, and he just can't control himself. I haven't even given him a name yet, and already he's doing the dirty with some nameless, faceless chick. Never written anything like this before, never written from a guy's point of view, either. I was not expecting the visuals he threw my way, but there you go. Haven't even named him or thought of details about his character, and already he is making himself at home, front and center and naked for the whole world to see! Geez! He is writing himself into the book, won't even let me edit or PG-13 the language.
He needs a name. I don't like seeing him naked without knowing his name. Like waking up next to someone you've never seen before while vague and blurry snapshots of vodka swirl nauseously around in your head.
Anyway, he was very persuasive. All he had to do was look at me with that charming, boyish grin, and I melted, my fingers running willingly over the keys to let him have his wicked way with MY story. His story? I don't know, now I'm confused!
After much consideration, Google searches, conversations with my friend, and okaying the name with my four year old niece, his name has been decided. Cassandra (friend) said, "Derrik!" Niece Kira said, "NO! I like Micah." I narrowed our name selection down to Carter, Carson, Joel, Oliver, and Micah.
Oliver won. The picture I found on Google while doing a random search for a face for my character looks like he could be Oliver. Don't think Oliver Twist, think Oliver Queen. Green Arrow. Oh yeah. The guy in the picture is even on a motorcycle and is shirtless. Yep. That is this character.
Whoever the guy in the photo is...I hope he doesn't mind taking the lead role in my newest book. Oliver...
Crap. Now I have to figure out a last name. Unfortunately Queen is taken. King? Oliver King? LMAO!
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