
Yes, technically it is still the eleventh, but I'll count this post for the twelfth.  Because I can. Because Vodka is nice. Because I am finally getting tipsy after thinking about it since six pm.

I decided tonight would be a great night to write my book that I need vodka to write. Of course, I've had about five shots of Pink Lemonade Vodka, and I have yet to even open the story on my word processor. I've been working on my newest story idea instead. I wrote 6,015 words today on that story, it won't leave me alone. I see how I have too much dialogue in this last scene I was working on, but I'll edit later, it is still pretty awesome. When you laugh at something you wrote, you know it's funny, alcohol or not.

From my posts anybody would assume I'm an alcoholic. Well, I'm not. I go months without actually drinking. Didn't even want to drink tonight, but I want to write more of that book! My sister keeps asking about it, and I was stuck on 22,000 words for months. Since tonight would be perfect for drinking, I made myself drink. About to open that story, I swear. If I can let go of Oliver for a minute ... He is my latest story. I have never written from a male's POV in first person before. Been interesting, let me tell you. And Oliver really lets me know if I start becoming too girly. He yells at me, "Bitch, I wouldn't say that!" So, deletions are necessary.

Wow, that vodka is potent! Been in the freezer a while, every shot is painful! While I'm no alcoholic, I can do shots with the best of them! I skipped the whole alcohol phase in my teens and early twenties, so I was making up for it for a while. I can do shots like a pro! But this vodka makes me cringe. I actually, shamed as I am to admit it, plug my nose with each shot. ME!? Really! I have an unopened bottle sitting on my bookshelf staring at me, but I figured I should drink this one first. Maria said I could have it cause, like me, she's skipped the whole drinking phase most teens and young adults go through. She was born thirty, let me tell you. Love her, even if she drives me crazy.

Tomorrow I swear I really will post something that is epic, non-rambling etc ...

Where was I going with this post anyway? ... 6,015 words. Okay, check. Supposed to be working on Zoe's story, yes. Hmm.

Oh! Randomness is all me! Here's some great random I can share! Maria recorded herself singing Arms of the Angel by Sarah Mclachlan! She bluetoothed it to my phone, I've had it going all day while I worked on my bookd. She's finally getting over her stage fright. I can't wait for her to make it on The Voice. She's my friend, my sister, so naturally I would say she is good. But, honestly, she's good. I remember when we were kids and she lived up the hill from me and she'd work on writing music and singing with Nathan's band while I sat home writing stories. We've sort of always known what we were meant to do, but I was too scared to try, she chose nursing cause it was easier and more realistic with her life as a teenage mother of two kids. (Yes, I've asked her if I could write her story. I will someday, but I want to add her winning The Voice to the book, so I have to wait another year or two).

So, publish some books and pay for a vocal coach for her. Buy my uncle a car so he doesn't have to walk five hours to work. Pay off my aunt's house, my sisters' house, my brother's. Buy a car, move to Washington. No, no pressure at all riding on my shoulders as I write three books simultaneously, huh?

Sigh. Guess I'll go do a shot and open Zoe's story. I don't find time to drink often, I must stop wasting this alcohol on a book I write just fine sober.

Oh gosh! I remember what I was going to say before I interupted myself (Excuse any grammatical errors or spelling ones until I can edit this sober)! I cannot usually drink and write at night because I have to get the girls to school in the morning or I go over to Richelle's to babysit Boo. I had Boo yesterday and today! But tomorrow she said she will take the girls to school! I still have to be up in seven and a half hours to get them ready, but I can leave my hair sloppy, not brush my teeth, wear my ... well, jeans cause I'm sleeping in these tonight! And I don't have to drive anywhere in the morning and try to get through the solid wall of cars turning into the school in this one horse town of nowheresville, Arkansas. So nice. I don't have to drive Kira to school, don't have to babysitt Boo. I wake the girls, brew coffe, brush little girl's hair, send them out the door with kisses and "Be good! Get smilies!"

Then I can sit with my coffee and tylenol bottle and work some more on my book. I'll have all day to recover before I have to get in a car. Though, my hangovers usually consist of migraines I have without alcohol, so whatever. Going to have a headache with or without alcohol, might as well be with!


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