When I'm Old
This picture seems to fit with the rainy day we are having here. It is a picture worth a thousand words, that's for sure. Makes me smile the longer I stare at it. I hope this is me one day, still having tea parties and building forts with my best friend. And notice the stacks of books on the table, the chairs. I will never grow up. Never. I can tell you this for a fact. Children's movies and books excite me as much as adult ones do. I get weird looks from some people, but that's okay. I like what I like, and I refuse to apologize for it. I grew up on fairy tales, I will die with them, too!
Peter Pan. I've been thinking about that book lately. I have never read the classic Peter Pan story. I need to fix that immediately. I've said before how my parents are not book readers. My love of books came from my siblings. Where they got it, I don't know, but it took root in me. More extremely, too. They like books and sometimes indulge in them. I need books or oxygen will cease to enter my lungs. But, I do owe them for my love of books.
This being the case, I didn't start out on books like Charlotte's Web or Alice and Wonderland. Those came later. I started on books like A Spell for Chameleon and Flowers in the Attic. I think I'm a bit backwards, but that's fine. I started with more mature books, and now I'm into reading the classics and the children's books. I cannot consume enough words in a single day to suit me.
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