Love reading. Hate having to stop to eat or shower or babysit or talk to people. Right now the girls are playing in their room and I'm on the couch trying to read, watching the window for their mother. Second she is through that door, I'm off to my furniture-less room with Lover Mine to see what happens next! I cannot put this one down. I knew it would be my favorite Black Dagger Brotherhood book, and so far it is!!!
Once I'm up to date on this series, I am going to seriously have to read something very serious. Maybe I'll crack open some Poe or Shakespeare or Grimm or Dickens or Funke. Something to make me feel better for all the stuff I've been reading lately. Sigh. A book is a book, they are all amazing. Well, mostly. I can actually tell you some that are not. However, I still feel a need for one of my "smarter" books or even something normal for me. Maybe I'll finally read the Inkheart series all the way through!
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