Coffee Who?
Really having coffee withdrawls today. Haven't had any in about three days, and I can't take much more of it! Also, haven't actually worked on my book in about a week. Been watching too much Doctor Who instead. And reading because I'm behind on that. Two books behind, to be exact.
But I'm at my ex-roommate's babysitting, so that's my excuse. Can't write when I'm here, and I've been here sleeping on her couch since Sunday. Yesterday I watched them for about 13 hours. Today I'm thinking they are so having a naptime and that will consume a few hours ... my friend a few houses over asked me to watch her three. So here I am, three days without coffee and five kids all under the age of eight running around the house.
Tonight cannot get here fast enough. I'm more than ready to resume work on my book. It was going so well for a long time, then I just got hooked on Doctor Who. But luckily *Frowning angrily* they got rid of Rose, and now I'm not as hooked as I was. I will watch them sometimes, but I'm wanting to go back to making up my own stories where people I like don't have to go away! Grrr.
Kira and I keep going back and forth with a Whovian joke:
We both laugh. I'm very proud of this little five year old. Told her we'd watch some today since they've never seen it ... but now there are five kids here. And can't watch anything with Boo. He's two.
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