Find Vein, Insert Needle ... Drip COFFEE

Took me about fifteen minutes to find the perfect quote for the kind of day I'm having, and this is the closest I could get. I could use a few liquor trucks right now. Somebody please explain to me WHY I thought letting the kids spend one more night here was a good idea!?! One night, fine. That's easy. TWO? What. The. Fuck. Was I thinking? Seriously.
And it's only eleven in the morning.

Last night I was still thinking it was only going to be one night. So I stayed up ALL night writing, figuring I could sleep when they get picked up. Kira asked, "Can we stay two nights?!" And she's just so cute. So I told her I would as her mom and I would ask Richelle if her three could stay too. (FIVE kids here, by the way. Ages 2, 5, 5, 6, and 8). M said her two could stay, I just had to wait for R to reply. So up all night. About to make a huge pot of coffee. Might tip something else into it too ... Oh wait. I'm all out of vodka.
Four of the kids are not a problem. They are easy! The oldest is fun, love her! She's also a big help. The youngest is so cute, he's well behaved and is perfectly happy to just throw stuffed animals across the house for my dog to chase after. M's two girls? I lived with them for two years, watched them every single day after school. I'm their aunt. They KNOW my rules and how to behave when I'm watching them, and the know what happens when they don't.
It's that last child, one of the five year olds, that I have to keep reminding myself that beating children is frowned upon! Literally two screaming tantrums today so far, and all because she didn't get her way. I told her right there, "I don't let kids come to my house for fun sleepovers if they behave like this. You follow the rules I have, or you don't come back. I don't put up with this behavior, it is absolutely not okay and it's rude."
Love the parents, but ALL parents these days could learn how to teach their children respect and manners. I would have never acted that way. Maybe at home for my parents, but staying anywhere else, I was literally an angel. (Not just saying that. I was one of those shy kids who was terrified someone wouldn't like me, so I was always the 'teacher's pet' type.)
Tomorrow cannot get here soon enough. I'm achy and tired. My book keeps wanting my attention, but I can't. I have to tell the three kids in the living room to HUSH every few seconds. If they wake up little Boo or tantrum brat from their naps, there will be hell to pay! This is one aunt whose had it today.
Not book related, but ranting really helps me to put it all aside and just move on. There, I'm all better. Now for that coffee. Wonder if OLD OLD peach schnapps would be good in my coffee? One way to find out.


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