Manners and Customs

When I found this comic it was simply funny enough to save to my computer. (Yes, I save lots of pictures collected online to my computer). But I am currently reading Manners and Customs in the Bible by Victor something or other, and this Snoopy comic had a whole new meaning for me! Really funny if you're an athiest, which I am. I find religion to be irrational, made by man to keep the common population under control.

(I'm not writing this to start a debate, though I do enjoy those. Even if you cannot talk sense to people who believe in a Caucasian male carpenter born to a virgin in Bethlehem who'd grow up, die, and become a zombie three days later. And the award for the greatest hoax of religious longevity in history goes to ...)

I'm reading this book because, despite the fact that I snicker under my breath every time Christianity is mentioned, it does hold historical truths. Archaeology is a field I'm fascinated by, and thus far this book has used the bible along with other works to corroborate what we already know about the world thousands of years ago. You don't have to be a Christian to believe the bible is a useful text. While most of it is fictitious crap, it does paint a decent picture of that point in history.

And off the topic of books, the leaves outside the window to my right are already yellowing for autumn. I watch them fall and tumble to the ground, and I want a mug of cocoa, my Jack Skellington snuggy, and some warm slippers for my feet.
Also an update on Captain Boe: my sister and her husband will be home today or tomorrow! My mom just got home yesterday. My dad's overnight visit is over. So far mom and dad have not noticed my new addition, but how to hide Boe from my sister if she's staying home for a month? Poor Boe will be confined to my room. I'm going to have to find an excuse to lock myself in my bedroom a lot (my novel should be explanation enough). Poor Boe will be spending lots of time in my room, and some time in her pet taxi. I honestly have no idea how to approach the subject with my sister. Her husband, I know from experience, will be adamant about not keeping her. However, Boe is family now and I cannot let her existence be known. Carrie will possibly be home for a month, but if I keep Boe quietly confined to my closed room, maybe no one ever has to know?
Right. Hide a playful kitten from my sister? Well, if Carrie watches a lot of netflix in the living room or in her own room, and I keep my door closed, it is possible to keep her rambunctious behavior hidden. We shall see.
I'm suddenly very nervous about this. Only thing I can do is hope, work hard to hide her, and write my book FAST. Sooner I can publish and move into my own home, the better.
Honestly, though, Ray is home three, four days a month. Carrie is only home five or six months out of the year ... what's the big deal with one, tiny kitten? Right?


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