Drawing My Characters

Yesterday I had the sudden urge to draw my characters from Shattered.  These are just the beginning outlines, I'll fill them in when I have time to do so.  I'm not a great artist, I barely scrape by, but I love having visuals of my characters while I write.

True, these are drawn from images I have pulled from the internet, so I already have images of my characters, but I prefer drawing them anyway since I drew the characters from The Cottage mostly from my imagination.

If I could, I would hire someone to draw all my characters for me AND do my book covers. I don't mind it, I even sometimes really get in the mood to draw or paint, but not often. And it usually ends up just frustrating me a lot, and I get impatient and rush through shading and coloring etc. ...

Oh well. Good enough for me.

Characters, left to right: Helena Hall, Ainslie Garbhan, Oliver King, and Rain Maddox.

Oliver is the main character, it's sort of the Ollie and Rain show, but many of my characters eventually get their spotlight moments. It is an eight (possibly ten) book series, so I have many characters. Think Black Dagger Brotherhood and how Ward weaves character stories throughout the series then gives them their own book finally. That's what's doing here. I admire that, love building stories and characters over a series of books as side plot, then giving them a book of their own.

Back to editing.  Happy writing, all! <3


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