Back When I Was Jobless ...

I've decided to put aside my cover issues for Shattered and just worry about editing it. I am working on it right now, and I realized there is another scene I should add, possibly two. One scene I need to alter a bit, and another one needs tweaking after I add the new scene ...

It's a lot of work. But I'm excited. At work today, a woman who has worked at the daycare for twenty years (She drove me nuts 12 years ago when I first worked there, and still does slightly, but she's mostly nice) was reading a book on her lunch break. I asked her what she was reading, and we began discussing books. And, as always, that made me excited to write. And so I brought up my writing and books and stuff, and one thing led to another ...

I'm going to buy printer paper tomorrow so that I can print my book for her to read. She's the kind of person who doesn't sugarcoat anything, and she will be honest about my story. She's a voracious reader, which is great! People who don't read much won't know what to look for when reading a manuscript, so they won't be able to give honest feedback. A person who reads as much as my co-worker does will know exactly how a book should flow and feel and be ....

I'm really excited for her to read it! So excited, I doubt I'll wait until I've added the new scene before giving her a copy of it! I'm just going to print it and hand it over.

Why print? Why not use a flash drive? ...

Well, for one, I really just want to see it printed on paper LOL! Also, she's like me. We prefer having the book in our hands rather than reading on a screen.

Though it takes me years to finally finish a book or feel comfortable saying it's actually done and perfect ... I do get around to it eventually ... It would help if I could make a living doing this, that way I could spend all day working on it rather than go to a pesky job.

Ahh, the good old days! When I wrote The Cottage, I didn't have a real job. Got up and started the coffee pot and got my friend's girls ready for school. Saw the older one off on the bus, then drove the younger to head-start. Then back home to work. (If I didn't start the coffee pot before I left, I would go home and crawl back into bed. Not wanting to waste a pot of coffee forced me to sit in the double recliner with my laptop open and my word processor on.)

It took a while to write that book, but book two only took me four months to write!! Four! Because I knew what I wanted to say, I was excited and feeling confident! And because ... I. Didn't. Have. A. Job.

I want to not have a job again so I can work on my book everyday. But after spending 8 hours with 14 two-year-olds, I come home and want to relax, not work some more. No matter how much I love writing.

Also, I have trouble writing when people are home, even if the only person I live with is my fiance, and he stays quiet. If he's in the room, I just can't quite get into my writing zone.

But a crowded Starbucks, no problem ...

Mostly. I'm easily distracted by every patron who walks through the door. Sigh. I need a home office with a lock on the door and at least five noisy fans for comfort noise/noise blocking purposes.

Ugh. 10:30. How did it get to be so late? I should be working on my book or sleeping. The alarm goes off too early in the morning.


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