Save the Dead Laptop

I was reading an article on abandoned places online the other day and stumbled across this ...

I froze. My mouth dropped open. And then, I squealed with excitement so loudly that James turned toward me and lifted his brow at me. He thought I'd lost my mind.


This is an abandoned hotel in Columbia that my friend Lynsi had found online years ago that we decided was going to be the location for book three or four ... I cannot remember exactly. But I had lost the picture, so I had no idea how to describe it or where it was my characters were traveling to this time.

Then, I clicked the NEXT button in the photo gallery, and here it was. Right there in front of me. I can't tell you how happy I am! I lost so much of my pictures and notes and story plots on my old laptop ...

I don't even know how to find a picture of Laynzi! I don't even remember how we were going to spell her name! Gasp! I remember the picture, can see it in my head ... but I don't have all the details etched into my brain, and google images didn't help.

Sigh. She is lost forever. Don't even have the notes about her character or how she comes into the story ... However, I'm NOT letting go of that years-dead laptop! No, sir. Someday, I'll either be able to afford thousands of dollars worth of "Please, tech guy, save my crap on this dead laptop!" or James will have finished school and know exactly how to get my info off it himself.

Actually, I swear a few months ago he said he had one more idea ... I'll have to find out. I NEED my notes. And pictures.

So, back to writing. I am going to focus hard on setting aside at least an hour a day to write. Because I'm tired of letting my job drain me so much that I come home and I read or play video games because I don't have the strength to do anything productive once I get through my front door.

My job is draining my soul! Sucking the life right out of me!

No, really. It is. And, with this one new boy who spends all day screeching at the top of his lungs for his mom or dad ... and the ridiculous and absurd Early Achievers ...

Yeah. Don't take your children to an Early Achievers daycare. Unless you want your child to grow up to think they run the show, they can do anything they want, the word "No" doesn't exist, and life is full of rainbows and butterflies and sugar pops all the time. There is nothing negative at all in life, it's always happy and you always get your way and look at the pretty flowers and unicorns ....

OMG. I fear for the future because I fear the children we are raising ...

Writing is hard. Because I can't focus ... I write and ... SQUIRREL!


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