Ooooh! A Project!

Zoltar claiming the bed as his own!

11:32 pm, and I'm not in the mood to sleep anytime soon!!!

My last post mentions a project my husband and I got really excited to start working on for a YouTube channel we keep dreaming about ...

Then Animal Crossing: New Horizons happened, and I've spent the past 10 days on my couch fishing. ...

Today, inspiration struck, and I jumped back into our project. I have my portion of our first episode edited! I helped him record and edit his first scene. Hopefully by the end of the week we will have the audio figured out. I want to have a completed video within the next week or two, but that may be pushing things. Not only audio has to be figured out (we are new to this stuff), but I have to write script.

Perhaps this all sounds confusing since I am not stating what exactly the video is. I won't say, not until it is up and running on our channel.  I'm just really excited about it, and really nervous! The writing has to be just right to make this work, and that part of the project is all up to me!  After all, writing is something I've been doing since I was twelve years old. ...

OMG. I started writing my first story 22 years ago?!?! 

I feel ancient.

Happy writing!!


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