I Won't Give Up

For the love of coffee, can I just get some work done over here?!

Good morning!! I guess it's late in the morning, but I just woke up, and I need some coffee now!! Perhaps I shouldn't stay up so late playing video games?

The new Sims 4 Eco Living pack came out a few days ago, so we took a creative production break and played that for several days. It's super fun, and I love it. We're both excited to jump in and make our game play of that new pack a YouTube video! Should be fun. 

Today I think I shall make some time to get some writing done. I want Rain Maddox's book finished, and I want to fix The Cottage. The older I get, the more my novel-writing improves. I read back over that book I wrote about ten years ago or whatever, and I realize all the improvements that can be made. 

So I shall make them!! I won't give up on my books. I really should send them out to agents ... I never do that. I never hardly try to get published. I hate the rejections, I hate trying to talk about my book like I'm selling it, I hate talking about myself like a conceited twit.

But that's what you're supposed to do in those letters to agents and publishers. It makes me feel awkward, and I hate it. I'm not good the whole, "My book is so awesome, I'm so amazing, this is why you should take a chance on it and me" stuff. 

I'm just not.

Have a wonderful Monday! Happy creating!!


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