A BookWhore's Tattoos

Pretty sure I need a tattoo, but which tattoo to go with? This is so not an easy decision.  I want to represent all my favorites, but you don't want too many randoms. Going with a theme for multiple tattoos is best. But I want BDB tattooed on me, with a dagger. Or:

The Leaf of Lothlorien! How sweet is that? My sister and I want this with our names in Elvish on us somewhere.  But I also need ...

Something like this! Because I love me some Superman.

And this for Harry Potter and SNAPE!! Who, let's face it, is one of the most amazing characters ever written.  And last, but not least ...
I just wanted a simple one of Jack's face because I don't like clutter and too much going on. I like simple. As you can see from all these tattoos, I like one, tiny little representation of something. ... However, looking over Jack and Sally tattoos, I kind of feel I want an entire sleeve tattoo, with maybe Zero somewhere close by. Yup. So, what do I do? By the time I'm ready to get one, hopefully I'll have it figured out.


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