Back to Work

Now that Black Dagger Brotherhood books have been read, I find myself sad and lonely without them. It hurts. Really does. Finished it days agao, and since ... ? I've only read maybe twenty pages of another book, but I was too bored with it! ME! Bored with a book! Sigh. It's those damn Brothers, getting into your heart until you don't want to read anything else! GRR!

On a happier note: I am now able to focus on writing. Since BDB ended, I have written about 7,000 words. About to go get started adding more to that number. Since there isn't a book series to capture my attention now that I'm caught up on Ward's BDB and on KMM's Fever, I have to write my OWN epic story in that genre. And I think I've got something here. Ollie's story has taken an odd twist, and there are more twists and turns in his future, many I hadn't even seen until last night!

Speaking of writing, going to do just that right this second.


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