
Had an idea for a podcast of my own. My boyfriend and I have spent some time throwing around podcast ideas for weeks, and we've finally got a winner. Sunnyside!

Episode one is written and ready to go. I have a list of friends who said they'd be willing to voice a character, and we have a basic outline of where we want the show to go. My boyfriend, James, is the idea master. He was throwing out possible weird ideas for Sunnyside while I finished the script for the first episode. We're really looking forward to this podcast.

I even ordered a professional broadcasting microphone!! It's here, and I can't wait to get it up and running!

 I won't say much about the story, but know I have a strange, maybe even scary sense of humor. The lead characters are Molly Monroe and ... Dante? Darwin? Dave? ... Well, whatever his name is, I'm sure he'll ... report well.

And I hate flamingos.

Seriously. Flamingos.

Okay, sorry! I was getting into character. Molly Monroe is sort of a ... well, she gets away from me sometimes. She can be really intense. Possibly even a little crazy ...

Okay. A LOT crazy. :)

I'll be working on a real image for the podcast soon! This was just a quick doodle idea I had, thought I'd share it. There will be a sun. And, yes, impending darkness.

You have been warned.

More on this podcast as we progress with it's production!


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