
This always makes me laugh. I remember a time when I used to keep open on my laptop while I worked, just in case I needed an emergency word for something I was trying to describe or invent for my stories.

I'm back to work today. After taking almost a week off. I finished reading through my first book, James read it, too! Four years together, and he FINALLY finished reading one of my books. He liked it, and I know I can trust him. He would never tell me something just to make me feel good. He told me to never doubt that I am a good writer.

I sent it off to two agents so far. I know I need to send it to more, two isn't nearly enough, but I just hate writing those query letters. Hate it. Hate trying to sell myself. Like, "I'm fucking awesome and you should love me and publish me because I'm the best ..."

No. That's just not me. I can't be that. I swear I'll send out more letters soon, but not today.

Today, I'm sitting here sipping my cold, sugar-free creamed coffee, back on my diet after several days of stomachache, and working on the sequel to Shattered. I love this series, love these characters. Rain Maddox is so much fun, and I can't wait for Ainslie to appear more in the series. The sequel is 16,948 words so far.

I'm going to take November off from this book, though. Because .... wait for it ...

NANOWRIMO!!! I have never successfully completed NaNoWriMo, but this year I WILL!! I have a page of notes for a book I had an idea for while driving home. (See last post). I'm using that story for November, and James promises he will be there for ideas the entire month. He helped me through figuring out which direction I should go. I had two ideas and wasn't sure which path this story would take. He's great with ideas.

Okay, back to writing my book. I want the second book finished and ready to go when some wonderful literary agent out there decides to take a chance on me!

Happy writing!!


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