Emotionally Involved

Okay, so it is 2:23 a.m., and I cannot go to sleep until I find out what is going on in this story. I just finished Faefever, and the ending is so crazy I had to begin Dreamfever immediately. I can't handle it. I'm literally sick to my stomach from that ending. I'm eating Tums because of that ending. I'm on facebook with the friend who forced me to read these, freaking out and telling her I can't handle it. And she refuses to tell me anything. Grr.
I appreciate that.
This series is the first that I've read since my first reading of Harry Potter that had me this emotionally involved. There have been a few since Harry Potter that drew me in, but never to this extent where I want to vomit, I can't sleep at night, my mind is on it all day, I'm practically a zombie in my real life just waiting for my next Fever Fix. This is ridiculous.
While reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I remember always finding myself wondering throughout my day where my wand was.  And I actually searched my pockets on occassion to find it before I realized that was the book I was reading, not the reality I was forced to endure in between.
As my friend just reminded me, my emotional involvement with this story is the sign of a good writer. So, taking deep breaths, I will continue for at least another half hour.
Who am I kidding? I'll still be reading when my alarm goes off at eight in the morning for me to get ready for that horribly mundane task of grocery shopping with my mother.
And I'm sure you don't need to wonder how many stars this entire series gets from me.
FIVE. One, two, three, four, five. FIVE. I hold this series and the author on a pedestal next to Rowling and King. And that is a very high pedestal.


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