A Child Called "It"

Five stars. This one just breaks my heart. Hits way too close to home for me. I cried through the whole thing, now I'm about to start the second one. I need to buy a box of tissues first, though.

Through the entire book, I kept trying to figure out why? Why would a mother flip like this? From being a loving mom to this crazy person. I still don't have the answers I want, I'm hoping the next books will reveal something I feel I'm still missing. I just can't comprehend how this woman became this way. Abuse is never a good thing, but when only one child is abused while the rest are treated just fine ... I don't understand. That whole scapegoat thing, just pisses me off. There's so much more I could say here, but thinking about all this is turning my stomache.

Dave Pelzer is amazing. He's a survivor.


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