Blue Smoke

Even when I've read a book before, I cannot stop from peeking at the next page. I just have to know what is coming next. What is about to happen, which scene takes place after the one I'm on! Especially if I have to close the book to do something dull and stupid, like sleep! Then I glance ahead a few pages.

I'm reading Blue Smoke by Nora Roberts. I read it years ago, but don't remember it well. I just remember I liked it.

I like the story and characters. Reena's family makes me think of mine. We are a loud, crazy bunch. This one gets five stars. I'm half through it, I am starting to remember more of what happenes. It is one of her better stories. Though, I do tend to like a lot of her books. 

As for my writing ... I got a little work done today before Boo woke from his nap. Setting the scene, sort of. Introducing characters. Getting ready to throw a curveball at my two main characters. They won't see this coming. Well, one of them might ... I love messing with the lives of fictional characters!


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