I'm An Error

I was an error all through school, I'm an error still. While my friends are primping for a night out on the town, I am usually tossing on some PJs and making a stack of books and a pot of coffee. I only use makeup a few times a year, usually in winter when I'm not sweating it off. Mostly, the time spent doing my hair or putting gross gunk on my face could have been spent reading.

Likewise, eating takes too long. I have to skip that if I'm reading a good series. Also, sleeping. That's so annoying. Who needs sleep? Well, according to my sleep-deprivation headache, apparently I do. On occassion. But my books are more important to me than food or water or oxygen, so I avoid those pesky things in life the body requires for as long as possible. Except breathing. I can do that while reading. Look at me multitask.

Well, that was a long enough break. Going back to the Black Dagger Brotherhood and Outlander now. Those two are taking up my attention at the moment. (But yay, me, I got some work done today on my own writing!)


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