Christmas. Yes, I Wonder About Me Too

Currently I have Christmas music going, my sister is cooking brussel sprouts for dinner, I'm about to make a pot of coffee (yes, we drink coffee at all hours of the day, so the fact that it is 7:20 p.m. means nothing to us) and sit down with my word processor.  (Oh, and the fact that it is only July affects us not in the least. Last night we watched Surviving Christmas.)

And this picture is Christmasy to me. Stacks of books always a welcome gift. She's wearin glong sleeves, many of the books are green and red ....

My point here is that our house smells delicious like holidays, the music is wonderful, we have cookie scented scentsy stuff burning. Just a general nice feeling right now, perfect for working on a book.

And that's it for today's rambles.  I really do need to go work.  Found yet ANOTHER binder full of old stories to sort through. I really have to get some books finished and published so that I can get them off my computer to make room for the stories I have written on paper so I can toss the paper and binders to make room on my shelves.  Neverending process of stories and ideas to sort through.

And this is today's random photo. At least it involves the English language, which is related to books, which is perfect for a blog about books and writing. Unlike past photos I've posted about TV shows or jokes about that song ... "To the window, to the wall ..." Yup. Stuck in my head now.


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