Company and a Kitten

This is awesome. No other reason for posting it, I just love the song. Now I have new lyrics for it!

Family has a way of interfering with greatness, you know? Or, at least, what has the potential to be great. I need to work today. Desperately need to work. Spent the past couple of days working out details and completely chucking out book six idea and trying to come up with a new plot for it. Now I want to get back to the actual writing.

Instead I'm washing laundry and bedding, sweeping, trying to figure out what I have in the freezer that's edible, and hiding the new kitten I shouldn't have in my bedroom for about 24 hours. My dad will be here tonight. He'll leave sometime tomorrow, but in my family where my dad is concerned, any time he's near is too much time. (No, we're not cold-hearted. We have our reasons.) 

Tomorrow cannot get here soon enough. My mom and stepfather will be in town in a few days, back from their vacation. That is something I'm looking forward to.

If I hurry with housework and kitten hiding, perhaps I can write a bit before he gets here!!

New kitten Captain Boe. Isn't she darling? (I think she's a fan of my work. She keeps trying to climb on top of my computer!) She's named after my favorite Whovian character Captain Jack Harkness who is *SPOILER* the Face of Boe. And I watch Lost Girl. The main character on there is Bo, and Kenzi calls her Bo Bo sometimes. So, naturally, I call Captain Boe "Boe-Boe" a lot!

And this little darling likes to play with broken grout from the kitchen floor, plays with the phone cord behind the couch, knock books off shelves, scatter CDs, hiss and scratch at my other animals if they come near her, and generally run amuck like the crazy fruit loop she is. But I love her.


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