
NaNoWriMo!! It is time for a fast-paced, pull-your-hair-out, drink-too-much-alcohol month of madness!! Who's with me?!?!

I admit I didn't get off to a good start. Been looking forward to NaNo for months!! Trying to recruit a support group, mentally thinking over story plots and ideas. Then November first hits, I'm at work, it's five in the morning, and I receive a message on my phone from someone I'd never thought to hear from again, and what an emotional wreck I was that day!! After work I couldn't bring myself to do anything but crawl into bed and sleep for five hours.  Needless to say, NaNo wasn't worked on nearly enough. As a result, I'm behind. Still. Days later.

Good news? I'm only 514 words behind!!! But ... add that to today's word count ... I've got this, though.

I hope.

I talked my roommate into NaNo. We'll be supporting each other and working hard to keep our word count where it needs to be!! We're both off to a rocky start, but I know we can do this!!

Cannot waste more time here, I have a book to write. :)

Good luck to all my fellow NaNos out there!!! <3


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