Desperation Quickened the Query

I did it. I'm nervous and nauseous, but I did it. I sent a query letter and the first twenty-five pages of Shattered to an agent. I haven't done this since I finished The Cottage and didn't hear back from half the places I sent it to and gave up and self-published.

This morning I headed out to work. Had my coffee in my hand, climbed into the car. Put the key in the ignition ...

Nothing. Well, my crap car usually has issues starting, so I just kept turning the key. Over and over ... nothing. I knew eventually it just wouldn't start. But I panicked. I called James, he came out. We tried again. I'm sitting there crying, shivering, stressing. I'll lose my job. We can't afford another car. I'm missing work. I have to call in. What are we going to do?! I'll have to get a new job! We won't be able to pay rent!

After I calmed down, I decided to spend the day job hunting and finishing the last revisions on my book. So I could send a query letter today. Because I'm tired of broken cars, stress over rent, and day jobs. I know I'm good at what I do. I just need someone in the business to believe in me too.

Ugh, I could throw up right now. I sent a query letter!! Ahh. I am no good at selling myself or talking about my book ... or writing about what my book is about ... I hope I didn't understate the epicness of my story.  Maybe I should have had Lynsi help me with that? She was there at the beginning of this book, plotting the series and characters with me.

Anyway, my uncle is on his way to look at my car. I guess I'll put on some shoes and go down and wait for him. Maybe my car will start now. I think it was just frozen. Might need oil change, new belt thing, and new battery ... I don't know.

Oh my goodness, I sent a query letter ... I feel faint. ...


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