Day Jobs Suck

Nothing like a big mug of coffee with pumpkin whipped topping on a Sunday morning! My fiance is asleep (graveyard shifts, grr!) and I'm sitting here at my desk about to work on my manuscript.

I love that word: manuscript.

I'm tired of having a regular job. I hate it. I was sick on Thursday, but Friday I felt better, so I went to work ... Few hours in, I have a fever and I'm dizzy. My boss knows this, does she care? Nope. Every company that tells you if you're sick stay home is lying to you. They expect you there. And if you don't call in sick, there is NO going home early. Ever.

So I left on my lunch and tried to call in. Answering machine. Always the answering machine lately. And I don't even care. I was so dizzy, I nearly fell down when I tried to sit in a toddler chair. While sitting near a little girl until she fell asleep (when I leave, she gets up and plays and my assistant has a tough time with her) I was the one falling asleep. I had to leave. I was in no condition to be working with toddlers.

Haven't talked to work since before I left. Part of me dreads going in tomorrow. Part of me thinks, "Fuck it, I don't care. I was sick. They can fire me if they want, they don't pay me enough anyway."

Anyway, with it being ten thirty a.m. on Sunday, I'm getting closer to having to go back to that dreadful place, and I'm thinking some writing would do me good. I want this ready for publication next month. It won't be published then, but I want it ready. I will start looking for an agent next month whether it's fully ready or not. I need the life I've been working on for ten years (sporadically, yes, but always going back to writing).

I suppose this blog is just another procrastination of mine ... or a warm up? I always feel more motivated once I've blogged. It's sort of a therapeutic writer's journal, I guess. Nobody reads it, and that's fine. It's mostly for me. Years from now, when I have several bestsellers, I can read back over the early days ...

Pfft. Or not.

Happy writing!!


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