Reading Inspires

Good books never end.  The live on forever in our hearts! Or, the story is so great, the author can't stop at one book or three books and soon has ten in the series ...

I'm reading Black Dagger Brotherhood again. Last one I read was ... The King. Book tweleve. According to, there are now seventeen! So, I need to finish collecting them in hardcover and read the whole series again.

My goal this year is to read one hundred books I've never read before. Why, then, am I reading the series again when I'm already twenty books behind schedule with no hope of catching up?

Because, reading it helps me to write my book. I had just finished reading BDB soon before I'd started this series I'm working on, and the writing of J.R. Ward has heavily influenced my style. The first book practically wrote itself, it was a nice flowing story.  Now, on book two and years later, I struggle a bit. Starting to get back into it, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to read J.R. Ward again for help.

I'm also having trouble keeping my original plan of eight books.  Now I'm thinking maybe ten with ideas for a few more after. I don't know. But at this rate, it'll be many years before I have to cross that bridge.

As I say a lot, I cannot wait to quit my day job and write full-time. It would be so much easier to write then.  I wrote Landoth in a mere four months!! Those were the days! I was a nanny for my friend. I'd get the girls off to school, then spend the day writing. Four months, I had the second book to my children's series done.

Hmm.  I really should get that cover finished. This book has been ready for years. Well, I need to edit it a little, make sure it's perfect. But it is ready, for the most part.

But Shattered. I so love this series, I can't bring myself to work on The Cottage trilogy.

One book at a time. Two books at a time when I can quit the daycare. :)

Wasting daylight here. Back to writing my book.

Happy writing!


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